Delaware Skipper - Anatrytone logan |
DescriptionThe Delaware skipper has a wingspan of 1-1.5 inches. The uppersides of its wings are a bright yellowish-orange and have a dark brown to black border with black veins. The undersides of its wings are a solid yellowish-orange. It has an orange fringe on the edge of its wings. The border on the female's wings is thicker than the border on the male's wings and the veins are darker. Range |
HabitatThe Delaware skipper is often found in moist areas like marshes, prairies, bogs, open woods, fields, gardens, and yards. Diet
LifecycleThe female lays single eggs on the leaves of a host plant. In the northern parts of its range, the Delaware skipper has one brood a year between July and August. In the southern parts of its range, it has two broods between May and September. |