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Callorhinchidae - elephant fish

There are three species in this family. They are all found in the Southern Hemisphere. The elephant shark is found off the coast of New Zealand and Australia. It is around four feet in length and has a silver-white body; large eyes; large, wing-like pectoral fins; and two dorsal fins. The first dorsal fin is large and has a strong spine in the front. The most unusual feature of the elephant shark is its elephant-like snout that it uses to find food!

World Status Key
Least ConcernLeast Concern Near ThreatenedNear Threatened VulnerableVulnerable EndangeredEndangered Critically EndangeredCritically Endangered
extinct in the wildExtinct in the Wild extinctExtinct
breeds in nh Breeds in NH introduced species Introduced
Status taken from ICUN Redlist. If no status is listed, there is not enough data to establish status.

  New Hampshire Species


 North/Central American Species

None   None

Other Species Around the World

Location Key
Arctic Ocean Arctic Ocean atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean indian Ocean Indian Ocean pacific ocean Pacific Ocean southern ocean Southern Ocean
Africa Africa Asia Asia Australia Australia/Oceania Europe Europe North America North America South America South America New Hampshire Species NH Species
American Elephantfish  - Callorhinchus callorynchus Least Concern South America atlantic Ocean pacific ocean
Cape Elephantfish  - Callorhinchus capensis Least Concern Africa atlantic Ocean indian Ocean
Elephant Shark - Callorhinchus milii   Least Concern Australia indian Ocean pacific ocean


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